Part Fourteen - Page 4

  1. In mental, as in natural science, experiments are being made and each discovery lifts people one step higher toward their possible goal. We find that every person is the reflection of the thought they have entertained during their lifetime. This is stamped on their face, their form, their character, their environment.
  2. Back of every effect there is a cause, and if we follow the trail to its starting point, we shall find the creative principle out of which it grew. Proofs of this are now so complete that this truth is generally accepted.
  3. The objective world is controlled by an unseen and, here tofore, unexplainable power. We have learned to look upon it as the permeating essence or Principle of all that exists -- the Infinite or Universal Mind.
  4. The Universal Mind, being infinite and omnipotent, has unlimited resources at its command, and when we remember that it is also omnipresent, we cannot escape the conclusion that we must be an expression or manifestation of that Mind.
  5. A recognition and understanding of the resources of the subconscious mind will indicate that the only difference between the subconscious and the Universal is one of degree. They differ only as a drop of water differs from the ocean. They are the same in kind and quality, the difference is one of degree only.
  6. Do you, can you, appreciate the value of this all-important fact; do you realize that a recognition of this tremendous fact places you in touch with Omnipotence? The subconscious mind being the connecting link between the Universal Mind and the conscious mind, is it not evident that the conscious mind can consciously suggest thoughts which the subconscious mind will put into action, and as the subconscious is one with the Universal, is it not evident that no limit can be placed upon its activities?

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