- What is the imagination?
A form of constructive thought. The light by which we penetrate new worlds of thought and experience. The mighty instrument by which every inventor or discoverer opened the way from precedent to experience.
- What is the result of imagination?
The cultivation of the imagination leads to the development of the ideal out of which your future will emerge.
- How may it be cultivated?
By exercise; it must be supplied with nourishment for it to live.
- What is imagination?
Imagination is a form of mental concentration, it is a form of constructive thought which must precede every constructive action.
- What are successes?
The result of intelligence.
- What is knowledge?
The result of people's ability to think.
- What is the power with which successful people build?
Mind is the very moving force with which they secure the persons and circumstances necessary to complete their plans.
- What pre-determines the result?
The ideal held steadily in mind attracts the necessary conditions for its fulfillment.
- What is the result of a keen analytical observation?
The development of imagination, insight, perception and sagacity.
- To what do these lead?
Opulence and harmony.
The Master Key System
by Charles F. Haanel (1912), revised and made thoroughly positive by Darren J. McLeod in 2012.
Part Eight - Study Questions with Answers
Part Eight - Page 7
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In Its brief course lie all the Verities and
Realities of your existence;
The Bliss of Growth;
The Glory of Action;
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And tomorrow is only a Vision:
But Today well lived makes every
Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, and
Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well, therefore, to This Day!
- From the Sanskrit.
Part Eight - Page 6
- Follow the great steel plates through the foundries, see the thousands of people employed in their production; go still further back, and see the ore as it comes from the mine, see it loaded on cars, see it melted and properly treated; go back still further and see the architect and engineers who planned the vessel; let the thought carry you back still further in order to determine why they planned the vessel; you will see that you are now so far back that the vessel is something intangible, it no longer exists, it is now only a thought existing in the brain of the architect; but from where did the order come to plan the vessel? Probably from a business person; but probably this vessel was planned long before the business was thought of, and that Shipping company had to obtain a loan for the money; possibly there was opposition, and speeches for or against the loan. Whom do these company people represent? They represent you and me, so that our line of thought begins with the cargo ship and ends with ourselves, and we find in the last analysis that our own thought is responsible for this and many other things, of which we seldom think, and a little further reflection will develop the most important fact of all and that is, if someone had not discovered the law by which this tremendous mass of steel and iron could be made to float upon the water instead of immediately going to the bottom, the cargo ship could not have come into existence at all.
- This law is that,
the specific gravity of any substance is the weight of any volume of it, compared with an equal volume of water.
The discovery of this law revolutionized every kind of ocean travel, commerce and cruises, and made the existence of the cargo ship, barges, and cruise ships possible. - You will find exercises of this kind invaluable. When the thought has been trained to look below the surface everything takes on a different appearance, the insignificant becomes significant, the uninteresting interesting; the things which we supposed to be of no importance are seen to be the only really vital things in existence.
Part Eight - Page 5
- Take the same position as heretofore and visualize a cargo ship; see the monster floating on the surface of the water; there appears to be life everywhere about; hear the sounds of life; you know that by far the largest part of the vessel is below water; out of sight; you know that the ship is large and heavy as a twenty-story skyscraper; you know that there are many sailors ready to spring to their appointed task instantly; you know that every department is in charge of able, trained, skilled officials who have proven themselves competent to take charge of this marvelous piece of mechanism; you know that although it lies apparently oblivious to everything else, it has eyes which see everything for miles around, and nothing is permitted to escape its watchful vision; you know that it is quiet, submissive and innocent, it is prepared to carry massive loads through the water; this and much more you can bring to mind with comparatively no effort whatever. But how did the cargo ship come to be where it is; how did it come into existence in the first place? All of this you want to know if you are a careful observer.
Part Eight - Page 4
- Successful people make it their business to hold ideals of the conditions which they wish to realize. They constantly hold in mind the ideal for which they are striving. Thoughts are the materials with which they build, and the imagination is their mental work-shop. Mind is the ever moving force with which they secure the persons and circumstance necessary to build their success structure, and imagination is the matrix in which all great things are fashioned.
- If you have been faithful to your ideal, you will hear the call when circumstances are ready to materialize your plans and results will correspond in the exact ratio of your fidelity to your ideal. The ideal steadily held is what pre-determines and attracts the necessary conditions for its fulfillment.
- It is thus that you may weave a garment of spirit and power into the web of your entire existence; it is thus that you may lead a charmed life and be forever protected; it is thus that you may become a positive force whereby conditions of opulence and harmony may be attracted to you.
- This is the effect which is gradually permeating the general consciousness and is largely responsible for the conditions of peace which are everywhere evident.
- In the last Part you created a mental image, you brought it from the invisible into the visible; this week I want you to take an object and follow it back to its origination, see of what it really consists. If you do this you will develop imagination, insight, perception, and sagacity. These come by a keen analytical observation which sees below the surface.
- It is the few who know that the things which they see are only effects, and understand the causes by which these effects were brought into existence.
Part Eight - Page 3
- The next step is to place yourself in position to receive this power. As it is Omnipresent, it must be within you. We know that this is so because we know that all power is from within, but it must be developed, unfolded, cultivated; in order to do this we must be receptive, and this receptivity is acquired just as physical strength is gained, by exercise.
- The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude. What you think most of the time, your predominant mental attitude, is what counts.
- You can entertain strong, helpful, positive thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions.
- Real power comes from within. All power that anybody can possibly use is within us, only waiting to be brought into visibility by our first recognizing it, and then affirming it as ours, working it into our consciousness until we become one with it.
- People say that they desire abundant life, and so they do. When people awaken to the truth, and affirm their oneness with all Life, they find that they take on the clear eye, the elastic step, the vigor of youth; they find that they have discovered the source of all power.
- All successes are but the successes of intelligence. Knowledge gaining and consequent power is what determines growth and evolution. The recognition and demonstration of knowledge is what constitutes power and this power is spiritual power, and this spiritual power is the power which lies at the heart of all things; it is the soul of the universe.
- This knowledge is the result of people's ability to think; thought is therefore the seed of people's conscious evolution. When people start to advance in their thoughts and ideals, their forces immediately begin to grow and their countenance gradually registers these changing conditions.
Part Eight - Page 2
- Imagination is the mighty instrument by which every discoverer, every inventor, opened the way from precedent to experience. Precedent said,
It cannot be done;
experience said,It is done.
- Imagination is a plastic power, moulding the things of sense into new forms and ideals.
- Imagination is the constructive form of thought which must precede every constructive form of action.
- A builder can build a structure only when they have first received the plans from the architect, and the architect must get them from their imagination.
- The Captain of Industry can build a giant corporation which may coordinate hundreds of smaller corporations and thousands of employees, and utilize millions of dollars of capital only when they have first created the entire work in their imagination. Objects in the material world are as clay in the potter's hand; it is in the Master Mind that the real things are created, and it is by the use of the imagination that the work is done. In order to cultivate the imagination it must be exercised. Exercise is necessary to cultivate mental muscle as well as physical muscle. It must be supplied with nourishment to grow.
- To clarify, Imagination is about things that are truly possible. Imagination is a form of mental concentration which may lead to mental success.
- Constructive imagination means mental labor, by some considered to be the easiest kind of labor, but, if so, it yields the greatest returns, for all the great things in life have come to people who had the capacity to think, to imagine, and to make their dreams come true.
- When you have become thoroughly conscious of the fact that Mind is the only creative principle, that it is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, and that you can consciously come into harmony with this Omnipotence through your power of thought, you will have taken a long step in the right direction.
Part Eight - Page 1
- Thought contains a vital principle, because it is the creative principle of the Universe and by its nature will combine with other similar thoughts.
- As the one purpose of life is growth, all principles underlying existence must contribute to give it effect. Thought, therefore, takes form and the law of growth eventually brings it into manifestation.
- You may freely choose what you think, but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law. Any line of thought persisted in will succeed in producing its result in the character, health and circumstances of the individual. Methods whereby we can institute habits of constructive thinking for those which we have found produce only desirable effects are therefore of primary importance.
- We all know that this can be done. Mental habits can be controlled, and the way to do it is to begin at once to only think constructive thoughts. Form the habit of analyzing every thought. If it is necessary, if its manifestation in the objective will be a benefit, to yourself, and to all whom it may affect in any way, keep it; treasure it; it is of value; it is in tune with the Infinite; it will grow and develop and produce fruit a hundred fold. Learn to keep the door open, keep in your mind, in your office, and in your world, every element that seeks admittance with a definite helpful end in view.
- If your thought has been favourable and constructive, and has resulted in any condition of accord or harmony in your environment, continue to cultivate a mental attitude which will be conducive to constructive thought.
- The imagination will be found to be a great assistance in this direction; the cultivation of the imagination leads to the development of the ideal out of which your future will emerge.
- The imagination gathers up the material by which the Mind weaves the fabric in which your future is to be clothed.
- Imagination is the light by which we can penetrate new worlds of thought and experience.
Part Eight - Introduction
In this Part you will find that you may freely choose what you think but the result of your thought is governed by an immutable law! Is not this a wonderful thought? Is it not wonderful to know that our lives are subject to truth and consistency? That they are governed by law. This stability is our opportunity, because by complying with the law we can secure the desired effect with constant precision. It is the Law which makes the Universe one grand paean of Harmony. It is because of law, the Universe is.
Here, then, is the secret of the origin of good, this is all the good there ever was or ever will be.
Let me illustrate. Thought results in action, if your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good.
There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good is simply a word which has been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance with this law.
The importance of this is well illustrated in the life of Emerson. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony.
Here we have one grand man, intent upon achieving an ideal, he makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law.
It is evident therefore that we are to love only the
Here, then, is the secret of the origin of good, this is all the good there ever was or ever will be.
Let me illustrate. Thought results in action, if your thought is constructive and harmonious, the result will be good.
There is therefore but one law, one principle, one cause, one Source of Power, and good is simply a word which has been coined to indicate the result of our action, or our compliance with this law.
The importance of this is well illustrated in the life of Emerson. Emerson loved the good and his life was a symphony of peace and harmony.
Here we have one grand man, intent upon achieving an ideal, he makes use of constructive thought and is therefore in harmony with Natural Law.
It is evident therefore that we are to love only the
good,because love is constructive, and we shall soon find that by entertaining constructive thought we are sowing the
seedand in turn shall reap the
Part Seven - Study Questions with Answers
- What is visualization?
The process of making mental pictures.
- What is the result of this method of thought?
By holding the image or picture in mind, we can gradually but surely bring the thing nearer to us. We can be what we will to be.
- What is Idealization?
It is a process of visualizing or idealizing the plans which will eventually materialize in our objective world.
- Why are clearness and accuracy necessary?
First the mental, then the emotional, then the illimitable possibilities of achievement. - How are they obtained?
Each repeated action renders the image more accurate than the former one.
- How is the material for the construction of your mental image secured?
By millions of mental workers. Brain cells they are called.
- How are the necessary conditions for bringing about the materialization of your ideal in the objective world secured?
By the Law of Attraction. The natural law by which all conditions and experiences are brought about.
- What three steps are necessary in order to bring this law into operation?
Earnest Desire, Confident Expectation, Firm Demand.
- Why do some succeed?
Because they concentrate on abundance, health and success. The law is operating perfectly; the things they love are coming upon them.
- What is the only option?
Concentrate on the ideals which you desire to see manifested in your life.
Part Seven - Page 6
- We must plant the seed and leave it. But we are to get up and do something, by all means; we will do more and better work then we have ever done before, new channels will constantly be provided, new doors will open; all that is necessary is to have an open mind, be ready to act when the time comes.
- Thought force is the most powerful means of obtaining knowledge, and if concentrated on any subject will be solved. Everything is within the power of human comprehension, but in order to harness thought force and make it do your bidding, work is required.
- Remember that thought is the fire that creates the steam that turns the wheel of fortune, upon which your experiences depend.
- Ask yourself a few questions and then reverently await the response; do you not now and then feel the self with you? Do you assert this self? Remember that it is only the few that lead. It was the few that jumped at the opportunity to be the first to use the steam engine, the power loom and every other advance or improvement ever suggested.
- For your exercise this week, visualize your friend, see them exactly as you last saw them, see the room, the furniture, recall the conversation, now see their face, see it distinctly, now talk to them about some subject of mutual interest; see their expression change, watch them smile. Can you do this? All right, you can; then arouse their interest, tell them a story of adventure, see their eyes light up with the spirit of fun and excitement. Can you do all of this? If so, your imagination is good, you are making excellent progress.
Part Seven - Page 5
- Those who will give attention only to the world within will seek only to ascertain the truth, will look only for wisdom, will find that this wisdom will unfold and disclose the source of all power, that it will manifest in thought and purpose which will create the external conditions desired. This truth will find expression in noble purpose and courageous action.
- Create ideals only, give thought only to internal conditions, make the world within beautiful and opulent and the world without will express and manifest the condition which you have within. You will come into a realization of your power to create ideals and these ideals will be projected into the world of effect.
- For instance, a person has money and wants more. They will continually think about the money, concentrating on it, and as thoughts are causes the result is that they fasten the money closer to themselves, and actually create more money. They are putting the great law of Attraction into operation with the usual and inevitable result -- Gain leads to greater
- This is the correct principle. Concentrate on the things you want. Think of abundance; idealize the methods and plans for putting the Law of Abundance into operation. Visualize the condition which the Law of Abundance creates; this will result in manifestation.
- If the law operates perfectly to bring about wealth, abundance and every form of freedom for those who are continually entertaining thoughts of abundance and love, it will operate with the same certainty to bring about conditions of abundance and opulence for those who entertain thoughts of courage and power.
- This is easy for some; they are calm; they manifest calmness, love, peace; they want to do something; they want to help; they are like an adult who has just planted a seed and leaves it to grow. Of course, under such circumstances, the seed will germinate, and this is exactly what some of us do in the mental world.
Part Seven - Page 4
- In addition to these millions of mental workers, you have billions of mental workers in the body, every one of which is endowed with sufficient intelligence to understand and act upon any message or suggestion given. These cells are all busy creating and recreating the body, and in addition to this, they are endowed with psychic activity whereby they can attract to themselves the substance necessary for perfect development.
- They do this by the same law and in the same manner that every form of life attracts to itself the necessary material for growth. The oak, the rose, the lily, all require certain material for their most perfect expression and they secure it by silent demand, the Law of Attraction, the most certain way for you to secure what you require for your most complete development.
- Make the Mental Image; make it clear, distinct, perfect; hold it firmly; the ways and means will develop; supply will follow the demand; you will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way. Earnest Desire will bring about Confident Expectation, and this in turn must be reinforced by Firm Demand. These three can only succeed to bring about Attainment, because the Earnest Desire is the feeling, the Confident Expectation is the thought, and the Firm Demand is the will, and, as we have seen, feeling gives vitality to thought and the will holds it steadily until the law of Growth brings it into manifestation.
- Is it not wonderful that people have such tremendous power within themselves, such transcendental faculties concerning which they had no conception? Look for strength and power
Whenever this power manifests in our lives it is something natural. - There are some who have come to an understanding of this wonderful power, and who make serious and conscientious efforts to realize health, power and other conditions, and succeed. They are able to bring the Law into operation. The ease of success in every case is that they are dealing with internals first. They want money, power, health and abundance, and they realize that these are effects and can come only when the cause is found internally.
Part Seven - Page 3
- If you can conscientiously follow these directions, you will develop Faith, the kind of Faith that is the
Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
; you will develop confidence, the kind of confidence that leads to endurance and courage; you will develop the power of concentration which will enable you to focus only on the thoughts which are associated with your purpose. - The law is that thought will manifest in form, and only one who knows how to be the divine thinker of their own thoughts can ever take a Master's place and speak with authority.
- Clearness and accuracy are obtained only by repeatedly having the image in mind. Each repeated action renders the image more clear and accurate than the preceding, and in proportion to the clearness and accuracy of the image will the outward manifestation be. You must build it firmly and securely in your mental world, the world within, before it can take form in the world without, and you can build something of value in the mental world only when you have the proper material. When you have the right material you can build anything you wish, but make sure of your material. You can only make wonderful broadcloth from fine silk.
- This material will be brought out by millions of silent mental workers and fashioned into the form of the image which you have in mind.
- Think of it! You have over five million of these mental workers, ready and in active use; brain cells they are called. Besides this, there is another reserve force of at least an equal number, ready to be called into action at the slightest need. Your power to think, then, is almost unlimited, and this means that your power to create the kind of material which is necessary to build for yourself any kind of environment which you desire is practically unlimited.
Part Seven - Page 2
- Then comes the process of visualization. You must see the picture more and more complete, see the detail, and, as the details begin to unfold the ways and means for bringing it into manifestation will develop. One thing will lead to another. Thought will lead to action, action will develop methods, methods will develop friends, and friends will bring about circumstances, and, finally, the third step, Materialization, will have been accomplished.
- We all recognize the Universe must have been thought into shape before it ever could have become a material fact. And if we are willing to follow along the lines of the Great Architect of the Universe, we shall find our thoughts taking form, just as the universe took concrete form. It is the same mind operating through the individual. There are the same in kind and quality, the only difference is one of degree.
- The architect visualizes their building, they see it as they wish it to be. Their thought becomes a plastic mould from which the building will eventually emerge, a high one or a low one, a beautiful one or a plain one, their vision takes form on paper and eventually the necessary material is utilized and the building stands complete.
- The inventor visualizes their idea in exactly the same manner, for instance, Nikola Tesla, he with the giant intellect, one of the greatest inventors of all ages, the man who has brought forth the most amazing realities, always visualizes his inventions before attempting to work them out. Having first built up the idea in his imagination, he held it there as a mental picture, to be reconstructed and improved by his thought. This enabled him to rapidly develop and perfect a conception purely in thought. When he had gone so far as to embody in the invention every possible improvement he could think of, and see only perfection anywhere, he put into concrete, the product of his brain. Invariably his devise works as he conceived it should; in twenty years this was always the case.